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Literacy Corner Shop

I have been teaching English, literacy and creative writing for 12 years now & have a passion for raising achievement in literacy. In my shop you will find resources for phonics, sentence building, prepositions, genre & personification as well as The BFG. The resources are designed to help form understanding of the concepts in a fun and engaging way. Students with low literacy levels can feel intimidated by the academic expectations placed on them, however these resources are easily adaptable.

I have been teaching English, literacy and creative writing for 12 years now & have a passion for raising achievement in literacy. In my shop you will find resources for phonics, sentence building, prepositions, genre & personification as well as The BFG. The resources are designed to help form understanding of the concepts in a fun and engaging way. Students with low literacy levels can feel intimidated by the academic expectations placed on them, however these resources are easily adaptable.
Genre Conventions Resource

Genre Conventions Resource

This genre conventions resource clearly explains what genre markers/conventions are using a grid and visual aids. The genre conventions identified in the resource are setting, characters, storyline/plot, props and costumes. Students are given clear genre convention definitions with accompanying images. Genre conventions are characteristics or elements of a story that allow us to identify it as a certain type. This resource can be used to introduce students to the concept of genre conventions or to recap on previous learning on the concept of genre markers. This resource is ideal for both Key stage 3 and key stage 4 learners studying creative writing, literature, media studies and film studies. Learning Objective of Lesson: To understand what genre conventions are, using examples from books or films I have read or watched. This resource will: Provide a genre conventions definition Identify and list the different conventions of a genre Enable students to identify their own examples of genre conventions use from films or books they have consumed. This genre conventions worksheet can be adapted for different learning levels.
Creating Genre Conventions

Creating Genre Conventions

This creating genre conventions resource shows students how they can use conventions to portray a particular genre of their choice. The resource contains a number of icons, each representing a specific genre for students to work from to fill their own convention descriptions in the provided grid. By looking at the conventions used within a creative text we can identify its genre. Students can use their learning from previous resources in this series to build on their knowledge of genre conventions. The icons represent the genres of Science Fiction, horror, fantasy, romance, musical and action. You can illicit students’ understanding of how these genres are conveyed through films they have watched or books they have read through class discussion and notes on the whiteboard. This resource is ideal for both Key stage 3 and key stage 4 learners studying creative writing, literature, media studies and film studies. Learning Objective of Lesson: To use my understanding of genre conventions to write convention descriptions in a genre of my choice.
Genre Introduction Worksheet

Genre Introduction Worksheet

This genre introduction worksheet is a visual based resource, designed to give students a basic idea of the concept of genre. It requires students to create mind map using the given definition of the genre at the top of the worksheet. This genre worksheet also contains four genre images to help students to generate ideas for their mind map about the different genres they know of through books and films that they have read and watched. This resource is suitable for students at Key Stage 3 & 4 who are doing creative writing, literature analysis, media studies and film studies. The resource can be extended to ask students in pairs or groups to come up with as many books or film titles from a given genre as they can adding a fun and competitive element to the activity. These completed worksheets will also look good as part of a display.
Identify The Genre Fun Activity

Identify The Genre Fun Activity

This Genre Identification resource allows students to use and build on their previous knowledge of genre conventions. Students will read six different paragraphs and analyse the language in order to identify the genre. They will offer written reasons for their choice. Students can highlight and underline key words in the text that pertain to the conventions of characters, setting, storyline, props and costumes that offer clues as to the genre of the mystery text. Students can complete the identify the genre task as individuals using the grid or in groups using an individual sheet with each group focusing on one or two texts each and reporting their findings back to the class. This resource includes two versions of the task. This identify the Genre task comes in a grid and in individual focus sheets to be distributed to groups of pupils focusing on one extract at a time. This will help you differentiate and strategise learning according to the abilities and strengths of your students. Learning Objective of Lesson: To use my previous knowledge of genre conventions to identify the genre of a text.